Pati Minyak Aromaterapi Gaharu 10ml
Mengurangkan Arthritis dan Sakit Otot.
Berkesan untuk: Mengaktifkan peredaran darah, sendi bengkak, sakit tulang, mengaktifkan meridian, sakit otot, penyakit noda, sakit kepala, sakit perut, sakit dada & sakit reumatoid.
Ini hanya untuk rawatan kecemasan.
Agarwood Comfort Heat Essential Oil
Effective for:
Activating blood circulation, swollen joints, bone ache, activating meridians, muscle pain, stain illness, head ache, stomach ache, chest pain & rheumatoid pain.
This only for emergency treatment.
Pour 1~2cc on the palm and press at the injured place until you feel the heat within 1-2 minutes.
(The stocks are new . Only the box I ordered a lot last time. So I have to finish the box first tq)